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A Chance to Dance

A project by the newly established North Atlantic Islands Dance Network: Facilitating collaborative research and sharing of practises between dance artists connected to Greenland, Iceland and The Faroe Islands. A Chance to Dance will be taking place at The Nordic House in the Faroe Islands on the 23rd till the 28th of March 2024 

Dance artists connected to Greenland, Iceland and the Faroe Islands will for a week work in Tórshavn with the opportunity to delve into and test one’s own and others practises and choreographic ideas. The project will be hosted in the facilities of our local collaborators The Nordic House of the Faroe Islands and RIVA The Faroese Dance Company.

We will gather three dance artists from each respective country. The days will start with a morning class, giving the artists the opportunity to work on their physical practice and to inspire each other through new class material and approaches. Throughout the week each artist will have half a day to present and work on their creative idea with the other participating artists. Here the aim is not to produce but rather to research, spark creativity and strengthen the community. Nor is it a goal in itself for it to necessarily lead to future collaborations, however, we see the approach to be a way for each artist to find new colleges that they can relate to and learn from. Three of the days will finish with a round-table-talk and meeting local artists and institutions. To give the visiting artists a chance to get to know the Faroese art scene and connect, discuss and learn from one another in a different frame. 

Even though the aim is not to have a finished product, we still wish to utilise the fact of having gathered professional dance artists in the Faroe Islands. Thus, on the last day we will present an instant composition/improvisation. In the Faroe Islands they are working on establishing and broadening the perspective of dance as an artform. Therefore, we find it exciting to share this spontaneous format with the Faroese public.

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